Begin forwarded message:
From: Ilda Hershey <>
Date: June 24, 2010 3:56:04 PM CDT
To: Listserv SustSTW <>
Subject: Recycle computer equipment anytime for free
The recently enacted Oklahoma Computer Equipment Recovery Act requires computer manufacturers to implement a recovery plan for their products.
Recycling computer equipment (and other electronics) in Oklahoma is now easier than ever!
The City of Stillwater's Environmental Programs website is an excellent resource on this subject:
The Stillwater site explains where you can donate working computers locally and recycle non-working ones. Types of take-back programs include:
•Mail-back system - go online to receive a free pre-paid shipping label.
•Drop-off - drop your electronics off at the store.
•TradeUp - trade old electronics for cash or recycle electronics that no longer have value for free.
•Other - other methods of electronics recovery approved by DEQ
For instance, Best Buy will be opening in Stillwater this Saturday, June 26. Best Buy stores accept nearly everything electronic including computers, DVD players, peripherals, home and car audio, MP3 players, cables, cell phones, flat-panel TVs and monitors up to 60" and non-console tube TV's and monitors under 32".
Hard drives must be removed from desktop or laptop computers (see this Geek Squad video for Do-it-Yourself instructions: Best Buy does charge $10 to recycle TVs and monitors but you immediately get a $10 gift card in exchange. They will accept up to three items per household per day.
If your particular item is not recycled free by Best Buy, Staples or other drop-off locations, you may have the option of returning it to the manufacturer using a free pre-paid shipping label that you simply download from the manufacturer's website. Check out Stillwater or DEQ's websites above for manufacturer-specific details.
Happy Recycling!